Friday, February 27, 2009


A battle of whits and strength between two of nature's most deadly animals.

I love America

Here is why:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Have you ever read this article and said, "man, that is a pleasant article." Well now you probably might!

I'm pretty sure I have posted about before but...

sometimes things deserve a second citation.


I guess it's more like minor post twostravaganza, but, here it is anyway.

Ran into this site earlier today and thought it was good for a mild chuckle:

Also, this song is amazing. So is the whole T-Pain album. There is no video so the link is just for the sound.

Also, I don't feel like figuring out links right now so you guys just have to copy and past your damn selves.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009


I'm alive! I'm back! And I'm about to blow your mind!

Christian Bale (of recent YouTube fame) was one of the finest actors of our time.

Was? What is this "was" you speak of? He is in fact still very much alive and making moving pictures to this day!

Wrong sir! You are wrong! For you see I have uncovered a terrible truth about Mr. Bale. A truth that we all should have seen long, long ago. It all seems so obvious now.

Behold: The REAL Christian Bale..or should I call you by your true name..Kermit the frog!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cyrus can haz html coding?

You've done html before, right? Here's a link to a site for html coding It's much easier then trying to figure out blogspot's "easy" way to do it.

Why are the Japnanese SO AWESOME??

Because they wake up training to be awesome of course!

Awesome Somehow?

If I had my own city...

Everything would be booby trapped... EVERYTHING. Also, there would be a bunch of those Invader Zim ice cream trucks blaring in a harsh German accent "YOU LIKE ICE CREAM. YOU LIKE ICE CREAM. YOU LOVE IT. YOUR EXISTENCE IS NOTHING WITHOUT ICE CREAM." Plus, a spider robot.

Here is some random guy's idea of the perfect city. It's pretty cool. If you wander around, you can spot a lot of familiar stuff.

Friday, February 13, 2009


I really want to hang out with you guys tomorow... Stupid work. In lieu of me being there, if you guys have a minute, check this out:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Huge Win for Stomach - Huge Loss for Dark Revealing Conversations

"Japan Pledges to Halt Production of Weirdo Porn That Makes People Puke