Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"KITSUNE LIVES!!" [emphasis added]

This is sort of my lazy interim for a Kitsune mural project. I'd like to cite that I hate all of your (accept Fabe) for never taking pictures in which you make serious faces... I WILL KILL YOU (yes you).

addition: Josh, if I EVER photoshop you again and your face isn't shaved, I will take a crap on your life. Do you know how hard it is to do stubble. I hate you so much right now... I haven't even gotten to ugly Cello yet.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Jizzed In My Pants... again

And it has nothing to do with APB. It is the unskippable for FF XIII.

Anyone who knows my taste in Final Fantasy will understand why I love this so much.

APB Info In Droves

After GDC and Pax East, there is plenty of APB info to re-addict us yet again. I've tried to compile the jucier bits here

Here's a little action video. The player sucks pretty hard but Dave Jones' commentary is solid.

This one here is quite the sexy video. Tons about customization and how it is done in game.

Here's a nice little overview from PAX. I can't remember if there is anything new described, but it is all new footage.

edit: Grrr, I had three other vids up called the girls gone wild series, but the links aren't working (even though they did last night). If you go to gametrailers' APB page, the girls gone wild videos are on there somewhere. They have a little more mid-mission gameplay if you want it.

Ok, that's all for now. Here's hoping that they start the open beta damn soon (or just release the goddamn thing).

Almost forgot, the website got a revamp earlier this week, so check that out too:

I haven't been able to stop saying no for like 5 minutes

But it is totally work safe...
If you don't mind people asking you what the fuck you are watching... because they will... and rightly so.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

This is the goddamn version I have been looking for...

Months... Literally months...
Now let's see if I can find the mp3...

A Conversation Between Plato and God

God: Hey Plato. So it's about time for the final judgement of the human race. I pulled a name from a hat at random and, coincidentally it was you. Long story short, it's up to you to justify your species' continued existence. Umm... Let's do this point counter-point style. Go ahead and start whenever you would like.

Plato: *clears his throat* Well, God, to begin, since time before my species gained its memory, humanity has wrought beautiful works of art which not only bring joy but communicate emotions and thoughts on levels beyond what any of us could express by any other means.

G: I heard that there is a whole subculture where people crap in diapers and then just sit there for a while.

P: uhh..

G: Like, they have websites and everything.

P: well..

G: They have forums too. Yeah, they just post about how great it is to poop on themselves.

P: mmm... well, not only can we express the heights of our beautiful and terrible existence through individual artists, but daily, people by the millions fall in and out of love. They experience emotions which drive with such force that they can swell to engulf all of life in light or shroud it in darkness.

G: Did you know, that at least two separate fast food chains created hamburgers where the bread is replaced with fried chicken?

P: Oh... my. Uhhh, yes, but despite our natural propensity to separate ourselves from one another we move dai-

G: You remember beanie babies?

P: ...

G: Those things sold like hotcakes.

P: ...

G: to adults.

P: The innocence of childho-

G: Like, grown men and women. Spending so much money on little bean bag animals... Crazy huh?

P: Ehem. Perhaps-

G: Bratz got pretty big too.

P: Perhaps most astonishing is the fact that mankind has gained the power to split the atom and destroy itself and this world, and yet, we continue to thrive in spite of our own terrible potential.

G: Jenkem.

P: What?

G: You know: jenkem.

P: Whats-

G: Maybe that's unfair since I've mention poop once before, but you guys sure do love your feces.

P: *silently massages his temples*

G: Well, I'm glad that's done. I'll give you a call first thing tomorrow morning. You're going to have plenty of paperwork to do.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vampire: the WTFsquerade

As you guys have probably learned, I love SomethingAwful. For better or for worse, I am addicted to that site. I am very happy to say that they seem to have picked up again with the WTF D&D??? series where they review art and stuff from roleplaying books. Well, as was inevitable, they picked up on a White Wolf game: the original Vampire: the Masquerade. Check it out here.

P.S. does anyone know what a "twink" is? I am sure that its something which will further depress me about human decisions.

In closing, this is a picture I did a while back. Go play any White Wolf video game or just try and find a promotional video that White Wolf did. You will then understand my inspiration. See ya round gents.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


This is among the best flash games I have ever played. Takes 5 minutes to finish. Try it out.:


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Because GLaD-O's didn't quite capture what I was going for

I did this last week for the semi-bi-weekly photoshop contest on Kotaku. A little barren, but then again, when I made a box with more dinge and random clutter, the cereal testers really got hung up on it and had trouble getting to the actual cereal (one last reference for you Portal fanatics out there).