Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I bet this guy could really shred!

Just check out how long the necks on his guitars were.

Guitar Hero doesn't know a damn thing about Ancient Egypt. See you guys tomorrow.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I was unoccupied between classes...

But I simply could not figure out what to draw. So I threw down a couple random lines and it eventually became this. I feel like this depicts one of the world's natural competitions because, let's be realistic, if, for survival, you are travelling town to town in the wilds of Mexico, you are going to learn to deal with some crazy shit.

If a mariachi doesn't know to do bring down a jet eagle, I don't know who the fuck could.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Man o' Man is World of Darkness Awesome

I have been on a Werewolf: the Forsaken binge today. After accidentally coming across that whole werehorse supplement I was propelled into looking up the WoD stuff that is actually cool. I really love the Forsaken take on werewolves and all that.

If you look in the back of any of the NWoD books, you'll see that there is some official White Wolf gaming community. Well, I thought I'd look into that and see if there was some way for me to get into a relaxed online forum-based game of Forsaken... There is not. Furthermore, there isn't even an official group for Forsaken in NYC. They have games for Vampire, Mage, and FUCKING CHANGELING, but there is no werewolf love. What's the deal? Ahh well, screw them. I'll just keep loving the bits of fluff in the rulebooks. WERWOLVES RULE!!

p.s. I hope your fiddlings with Vampire went well today.


That is all...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009