This is a rough sketch of the kingdom in which our story is going to take place. Each of the small squares are little villages focused around farming, mining, fishing, etc. Some of them will contain a store or an inn, but for the most part they will just be a rudimentary collection on houses. The circles are full on towns. Being centers of trade, they will have quite sizable selections of inns, bars, and traders and craftsment of all sort. There is only one city in the region which is the hexagon in the northeast. This is a major city and it houses the vast majority of the non-Human residents of the realm. It is the artery through which all trade and culture flow in and out of the kingdom. The triangles are various temples and religious centers. The temple furthest to the west (in the mountains) is the monk monastery. Our adventures will begin in and around the temple in the south (situated an even distance between the two southern towns).
The three pointed turret is the main castle fortress of the kingdom. It is the seat of the monarchy which rules the realm (more information on the social structure of the kingdom later). The two pointed turrets along the eastern border are the various old fortresses of the kingdom. Though the kingdom is not at war, much of the nation's sparse army is situated in these locations, holding off relatively regular raids by barbarians and other outsiders seeking access to the rich countryside of the kingdom. To the distant north of the kingdom is the ocean and to the south are a collection of the remnants of old villages and barren plains.
I think that is all that I will reveal for now about the geography (and hopefully that makes up most of what you guys will need for you adventures). This is a relatively large space with the distance between most villages being about a 6 hour march (one solid day of travel). Okies. Hit me with any thoughts.
You should pt a legend on the map itself. Otherwise, looking good.
Other than looking like the Northeast corner of France, it's TOIGHT son!
the Character creator is fuckign wicked, you guys should try it out! i will be emailing the link soon.
You must be crazy Marcello, there always was a legend. Who would make a map without a legend.
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