Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cyrus forgot a couple of things

There's no point in watching the AMAZING video Cyrus just posted if you're not looking at all of the great parodies:

SNL's Parody - The Outrageous Clown Squad's Textbook for Juggalos

Thank you 4-Chan. Way to break it down in three sweet panels

1 comment:

CalexanderHamps said...

It's a miracle that there is a culture built around those two guys. Well, miracle isn't the right word. I was probably thinking of "travesty against life and nature." But that collection of words is mad long to say yo. I'm out my ninjas. I need to spend 3 hours putting on my make-up so I can go order take-out at Denny's. TIPPING IS FOR HATAH-SUCKAS

I'm sorry. I really am.