Friday, June 18, 2010

The Cutest Homophobia Ever

So, I am pretty sure that this talk is being run by the guys who normally run the sunday school at the hate-mongering Christian fundamentalist church. I'm not sure why. Maybe all the A-level teams had scheduling conflicts. Maybe homophobic extremists have an off-season and some gay rights legislation was strategically launched during that period. Whatever the cause, these guys just don't seem to be able to inspire the standard hate-rage. They never seem to get past cutesie "room full of pre-schoolers" rage.

Normally with homphobes, as with any other biggots, I am annoyed or angry, but these childish flounderings are just soooooooo cute.

p.s. when I saw this on SomethingAwful's Awfulvision, the page header was "Nuke a Gay Poop-Eating Whale for Jesus." I get the "for Jesus" and the "Poo-Eating" and the "Nuke" can be inferred but I am still looking for the "Whale." Help with this would be appreciated.

addition: regretfully, looking into this, Martin Ssempa and the anti-gay movement in Uganda is pretty vicious... Sigh, humanity, can't you let me laugh for one second before further saddening me.

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