Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fly Shit. New Shit.

Straight out of the UK, the newest rapper: a young fellow who goes by the name of Babytalk.

Monday, November 28, 2011

♪ Look at all of the fucks I'm giving ♫

Even if you don't play League of Legends, you need to watch this video TO LEARN HOW TO PROPERLY PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. Thems some life-skills right there. Errr, excuse me: "life-skillz."

Also, you should probably turn the sound down some since Mulan-inspired song raging IS going to happen all up in this bitch.*

*errr, excuse me: "dis bitch."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I just can't say no to a good title

I mean, could you say no to "BABY BOY SWAG: Uppercut Addition"? I thought not.

Not much of note in the latter portions of the video. It's really just about the drop.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011


That's just where you're at and you can't figure it out to save the world.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

You Will Tastes What Dominate, The Story of Greatsnis?

Product Features

  • 1. The shape design of "Warrior" monster, larruping, more horror and more excited in to game.
  • 2. USB port, combine USB 1.0/USB 2.0, support hot inserting and drawing, once insert it, use it.
  • 3. Support Win98/WinMe/Win2000/Win XP/Vista/Win7 System, 32/64 CPU.
  • 4. Support over Driect 7.0 edition, support PC power feedback game.
  • 5. Transfer digital and simulate model arbitrarily, supper strong dual vibration function.
  • 6. Durble strong form grip, sharp edges drive focus.
  • 7. Multi-axis high sensotivity joy sticks, harsh faces come with biting for the loser.
  • 8. Dead-eyes stare knows your deepest secrets, neon-light ups action.
  • 9. Re-mobile mask, hide identitys during night stabbing spree.
  • 10. Victory skill assurd by high nameless olds, three-month warranty garantee.
  • 11. Duraflex heavy duty cable, proper length self-renumeration post victory.
  • 12. Non-slipping button surfaces.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gaming. While. Blind.

That's intense. I can't even imagine how much work/dedication it would take. Props are given and righteously so.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Steamlands: Steam Punk+Tanks

So every once in a while I check out Nitrome.com because they tend to make interesting little flash games with a bit-y art style. Well, a couple days ago I was pleasantly surprised to find this super awesome game, Steamlands.

In many ways Nitrome does not stray too far from its already strong formula for games but I find Steamlands to be especially awesome. It's nothing too complex. Basically you are an engineer in post-apocalyptic 1800s England and you are driving around a tank/armed building which you use to fight land pirates (so, pretty much nerd-gasm). Gameplay involves chugging along on a 2D sidescrolling battlefield, adding armor and guns to your hulking tower of destruction and completing various objectives such as destroying enemy tanks or collecting specific guns/tank parts. It's simple elegant fun.

Check it out. I've been playing a level here and there over the past few days and I've really enjoyed it.

Addition: and in case you would've been deterred by costs, everything on Nitrome is always free. You don't even have to register (truthfully I don't even know if you can register).

What the f-AWESOME

Seriously!? How is this even remotely a real story?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Just A Thought

I think it might be cool to be beheaded in a freak pickle jar opening accident, just because the investigators would totally be like "wtf," and then this one investigator would totally go "omg, I saw this happen on Oprah once," and all the investigators would be like "no wayz, someone was actually beheaded on Oprah," and he'd be all "well no, it was just a story about someone being beheaded or whatever," and then everyone would get way less excited and get back to work.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

This PSA brought to you by Samurai Cop

I'm gonna take down those motherfuckers:

And.....this is how he takes down the drug dealers:

And ends it in an epic battle:

A little reminder about how much society has done for us

Every once in a while I think it's good to find a way to remind myself how much humans are reliant upon our social evolution for survival. Forget living how we currently do, it'd take days or even weeks of work just to scrounge out the tools this guy used in making this little piece of bread, and even this super basic recipe took many lifetimes of learning to be created (makes you wonder how many people had to get sick to figure out how to remove the poison from yucca).

Anyway, it's all very humbling and makes me want to make sure that in my life time I can contribute some little smidgeon of something that will make people's lives more livable (in whatever form it may be).

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bad Lip Reading = Good Lip Reading

So, we've all probably seen "Gang Fight." That was awesome. But it goes to another level with "Asian Baby."

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How Wonder Woman Should Look

And how she actually does look:

Okay, so it's better than the first version, but what really ruins the costume for me is the insane, tit-mashing corsette. You might even say it's what makes the costume go bust *badum ching* I'll be here all night folks.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

GW2: Looking Pretty Damn Right

Here is a long play clip of Guild Wars 2 from PAX East. It's nice because it shows some devs playing, giving a sense of what things will look like once you get a hang of the system. Maybe that's it or maybe it's something else, but this video really brought what GW2 is going to be like to life fore me. It all sounded good before but this really makes it real.

The game session isn't actually as long as the video so you'll have to skip a ways in before it actually starts (it starts somewhere around the 14 minute mark).

Watch live video from alienwarearena on Justin.tv

Friday, March 18, 2011

At 42 Seconds...

You can literally see this man decide that he is going to go with his pedo-feelings.
South-Asian Dude: "I'm already there bro."

So Q, via twitter, introduced me to the whole Rebecca Black, "Friday" thing (which may very well be the single greatest piece of music and art that has ever existed). That led me to this article. So basically, this company, Ark Music Factory, is signing all these young girls to do pop-type musical stuff. A handful of the songs have music videos and... well... PEDO-VIIIIIBES.

Seriously, I feel uncomfortable--so, so uncomfortable--about these videos. At first I wanted to say, "no, it's okay. These are just being marketed as silly little things for pre-middle school girls." You watch Rebecca Black's "Friday" (again, pure musical genius) and you definitely get that sense.

And if you want to feel okay about life then you stop there. *Sigh* I never feel okay about life so...

Okay. Okay. She looks like maybe she is a little older so the sex-vibes they are filling the video with aren't too bad right?

Uhhhhhhh. Alright...


Really though? These videos are totally insane. I mean, a song about wanting to get out of the spotlight and live a regular life... by Kanye; now that's okay. A song about wanting to get out of the spotlight and live a regular life, by a 10 year old; that is just damn-disturbing (twice as disturbing as darn-disturbing).

And it's not just the semi-sexual visuals or lyrics; there is something else that is tying these videos together like a disturbing ribbon of pure disturbing. This dude:

Sorry, let me clarify. This dude:

"Officer, I swear. Those girls draped all over me could've potentially been 18."

Now honestly, he's probably just one more exploited sucker like all these little girls but WHAT THE FUCK DUDE, THEY'RE LIKE THIRTEEN AND YOU LOOK LIKE YOU ARE FUCKING 35.

I don't know. I guess the utter madness of all this has worn my brain out and deprived me of a proper closing for this. The only thing I can guess is that the people behind Ark Music Factory saw the following video but didn't realize it wasn't serious.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A really awesome sounding game...

that I will probably never touch.

I have been curious about the present day Lovecraftian MMO, "The Hidden World," since its first trailer a while back. A recent article at RPS (here) makes it sound like the devs are going for some really awesome approaches to the game that involve real world research outside of the game as well as a leveling system which expands players capabilities without making them innately stronger.

All this sounds awesome. Now only if they weren't going to charge monthly for it. I haven't heard whether they will or won't, but it's an MMO, so I'm betting they will.

If, by some freak Guild Wars-esque occurrence, they decided to take the high-route, this would be a day one purchase for me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011