Conversing Seriously: Serious Conversational Stupidity Series
Video Game Achievements and Unlockables: Welcome Addition or Life Ruling Plague?
So, the title is relatively straightforward, I think. For Dan, Cello and I were just talking about this lightly the other day. "This" being whether the new emphasis being given to various unlockables and achievements in video games is a positive or negative addition and how that addition to the medium plays out for us, the players.
If that still doesn't make sense, seeing as I am making a minimal effort to actual write sensibly, the whole discussion was sparked by my volumious opinions on two of the current popular multiplayer FPS games: Team Fortress 2 and Call of Duty 4. I was saying that while Call of Duty 4 is enjoyable, its enjoyability has a sell by date on it. In part due to it being a roughly crafted (though still quite good) experience and in part due to the driving force of achievements and unlockables in the game. In short, I got the gun I wanted, used it a little and got bored with getting a nade in the behind every few seconds. Conversely, I claimed, TF2 is a game which I returned to after playing through COD4, not because I still have to get the hayabusa for my heavy, but because it is actually a fun game in itself and I just truly appreciate the fine tuned finely crafted multiplayer experience it provides. So, my initial thoughts would be, game developers should focus less on making games where you have to work for you pleasure. Basically if any part of the game is describable as a grind, then it needs to be altered or changed.
Thinking more on the subject now, I think it would be a severe generalization to say that unlockables are a detriment. In fact, my beloved TF2 uses achievements as well, even if they are much less central than in CoD4. What I'd say in a more revised statement is that a game should not be a search for unlockable unlocking and achievement achievement. That's just silly. Instead, unlockables are the type of thing which should add to the flow and direction of gameplay. So it's good if, in flow of just playing I might happen upon or accomplish a cerain achievement, even if it is off the beaten path. But when I start having to go from server to server and map to map, throwing myself off of things to try and figure out how to get a certain achievement just to earn extra points so that one day I can finally use the gun I wanted to use in the first place... well its sorta stupid (though I must admit, worth at least 1 laugh). So, after a long rant, not really saying much, I will conclude with unlockables are a good tool for adding or rewarding various directions in a game. But like any tool, they need to be used properly and not overused or abused. Or else you will end up with random holes and broken drill bits everywhere. Stupid drill. Why didn't anybody stop me.
1 comment:
I will totally comment on this soon...
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