Friday, December 21, 2007

Hey Sam!

Just letting everyone (and by everyone I mean really only Cyrus at this point) that the fantabulous Sam Anderson has joined the blog! Hey Sam! In case you didn't read the first couple of posts I started this thing because I knew that we all had smart/serious/stupid stuff we might want to talk about with our peers and this might be a good forum for it. Also, we can show/subject each other to crazy shit from throughout the interweb. Like that sweet ass Batman-Law & Order pic you showed me. So far only me and Cyrus are really doing any posting, but feel free to chime in whenever. AWESOMES. GO!


p.s. Do you REALLY remember how aweful comics were in the 90's? Here's drawings from the one man I hate most of all to prove it!


CalexanderHamps said...

Yo Sam, what it... am... Sorry.

Ok, so I really enjoyed that article about Rob Liefeld. What I appreciate the most is the panel of the Human Torch air-fucking the shit out of the thing. Not just because he is air fucking the shit out of him but because it answers one of the greatest questions in life. Yes, cosmic rays did give the Thing a vagina.

Apopheniac said...

Happy to be here! I am always up for keeping abreast of the awesome internet crazy.

And the thing that kills me about Rob Liefeld is that he is genuinely in love with the art form of comic books. He wants to do cool, innovative things with the medium. And he always fails.

Except for that run where you had Rob Liefeld and Alan Moore partnered up, which produced some absolutely fantastic comics because it was Alan Moore writing off of Liefeld's utterly mental concepts...