It's been a while since I have tried (and failed) to get everyone to play a game of Myth. Well, Myth is among the games that this netbook can handle and I would sure to love to get a nice little Myth competition (or cooperation) going. So, everyone go and try to download Myth II: Soulblighter. It shouldn't take very long. Once you have the game installed go to this website:
Project Magma
Project Magma is the continuing community support for the game. Download the latest patch and I also suggest getting the Fallen Levels (essentially, the entire game from Myth I). If the moons align properly maybe we could even get a game or two in.
And remember, if you don't get the game, more good Dwarves will die.

*addition: if you want to play online (which you better), go register here at Marius. They run the primary servers for the game these days. In the game, initially the option that will appear is the Bungie official server but, as long as you have the update from Project Magma, if you poke around a little in the online menu (there should only be one or two tabs with a couple buttons each) then you will get a listing of the possible servers to log into. Choose Marius, log in, and then we will be able to meet up and make games.
**double addition: For multiplayer, you'll want to hit the tutorial (and probably the campaign a little at least - it has a good story too) and fiddle around with the characters some to get a feel for things. Particularly with dwarves and warlocks, try attacking the ground (ctrl+click with any unit to attack the ground) rather than actual enemies so that you can better control where your attack lands. Because of the more physical aspect of this game vs. other RTS, even though the controls are as straightforward as they get, it can be hard to get a hang of things. The number one thing to remember with this game is that, if you were to do everything right, you could win any fight without your troops taking any damage (that is, of course, insane; as a start, try to finish some single player levels with no casualties; the big secret is that melee units are for last ditch saves only).
***triple TRIPLE triple addition: you can probably tell that this is at least one of my favorite games ever if not my very favorite.
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