Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Well I just have no idea what to say...

According to this article, this is a super hero dance show. They are dancers...with super powers....uh?

LXD "Moments" Trailer from Jon M. Chu on Vimeo.

1 comment:

CalexanderHamps said...

Yeah, I ran into this while trawling Hulu for something to watch. I tried to check out an episode because I knew that Queshia would be interested just off the dance. I couldn't make it to a dance scene though.

For me, it just sort of takes itself a little too seriously. At one part I think I was supposed to have an emotional response to a little boy doing a flip. The video and I had a sort of awkward silent moment while it waited for me to react and I didn't. I dunno. It's weird. I appreciate the approach being taken for a new way to do a dance show, I just don't know if this Chu fellow quite has a grip on the story side of a superhero dancer story.