Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Most Curious Piece

This is a relatively long news piece about schooling in Japan. I suggest that you watch it first before your read any of my comments

I personally am very on the fence about the overall message. I thought some good points were made about the level of schooling intensity and the treatment of difference but at the same time, the authors of this were leaning extremely heavily on the "we civilized Westerners" ideology. It didn't provide too much credibility that all of the music was from Akira (speaking of which, I gotta lend you those books). I dunno, its sad to see a system which seems to support bullying the odd man out but then again I'm not sure that American schools do any better at discouraging that. Plus the video only looked at two schools which it sort of forced into parallelism. Overall, like I said, I get mixed feelings about this video. Some interesting points of view and overall I am glad I watched it, but also, a very shaky credibility to it all. What are your thoughts?

Kill Jim Liebowitz

I think somebody should make this game

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

Singing Horses


I'm back!

Damn Cyrus....just damn. How can I possibly compete with your deluge of youtube posts. I haven't even been on the internet in four days. I need to get more people on here so it doesn't look like I'm never posting! Let's see if I can hit all your points.

-Yes, Peta IS a dumb smelly face. What is her deal? Maybe I need to invite her with a different email address.

-Ergo Proxy DOES look cool and those are mighty fine credentials. I hate having so many awesome shows and games on my plate. Wolf's Reign does have a nice ring to it. It's even kind of ironic, or what have you because they're an almost extinct breed of gods. I think rain is what they were going for though because they are Japanese and have titles like Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo and Ergo Proxy.

-(aside) The new Gundam Double 0 is pretty sweet. It's like a new Gundam Wing, but maybe more political and with some SWEET fights. Also, cool (I made these up) names like Sweet Gundam, Chunk Gundam, Transformer Gundam, and Sniper Gundam. And they're led by a guy who looks like Professor X and Sigmund Freud had an ugly man-baby. OH and the Sniper Gundam Pilot has the COOLEST name ever....Lockon Stratos.

-Have I ever shown you the video my roommates and I made in college? Where we make a doc about us fighting with pvc pipe swords and cardboard samurai armor? It reminds me of these guys.

-....mud fight festivals and flying cats kill my brain of all answers.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

be confused, be entertained, be in love

So, if you haven't already hit this up, I fully suggest you check out Ergo Proxy. To me it seems like something of a sister work to Wolf's Reign (yes I know I am technically spelling it wrong, but I think they just mistranslated to Rain, but by the time they realized they just had to run with it. Sort of like "Um, we already have Solid and Liquid. If only there were another state of matter... Ah fuck it, Solidus will have to do"). A handful of the same artists worked on them both. By the same studio as Champloo, which I feel is very high credentials. Anyways, here is the first ep part 1/3. I have found that these versions uploaded by crimsoncrescent moon are tops.

So I guess that's it. And: Vapor, vapor you stupid idiots. God damnit.

Peta Smells:


Where the heck is she anyways. I am supposed to invite her over for Thanksgiving but I don't have any way of contacting her. Cello could you hook me up with her house phone number which, theoretically at least, she could not lose the phone for. I say that until Peta get's on this blog we dedicate it to severe badmouthing of her.

Did you know that's not even Peta's real hair color. Her real hair color is puce with random inexplicable stripes of heliotrope through it.


So I'm going to Chicago with Carolyn tomorrow, I'm excited! I always used to go to Chicago every Thanksgiving with my parents and its always been one of my happiest memories. I haven't been able to go for a few years now between school, work, my dad being sick and generally being older. But now is the time!

It's also a chance for Carolyn to finally be involved with a big family celebration of mine. I've been to a hojillion events with her family but I've never been able to reciprocate because half of my family is across the Atlantic and the other half might as well be they're so religious. Not religious in a bad way mind you, just very different customs. This section of the family, the Patinkins, are pretty awesome though. It's my Dad's two uncles and his aunt and their entire family. They're all very liberal and great people, so they're the family I most relate to and can relax with, even though I only see them once or twice a year. Carolyn's so close with her family, she's always worried that I have no sense of a large extended family staying in touch. She'll just see that the Goldberger's do it a little differently.

Anyway, family rant aside, I'll be out till Sunday. Keep the blog alive!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Coolest Stupid Hobby Ever!

This reminds me of those people who can play Guitar Hero on super ultra hard level but are too stupid to just put in the extra minute of practice each day and become a real guitarist. But also, it's equally awesome as those people who can play GH on super ultra hard level.

Mushroom Woes

Seeing as its about to be Thanksgiving and, unlike some people, (who don't like bacon, or cheesecake, or the joy in the eyes of children whose lives are untainted by random bouts of cursing) I am going to do the regular type thing and spend the day with my family. On top of this I have taken it upon myself to do the cooking. So, as would make sense, after volunteering, I went and scoured the internet, i.e. searched on Google, for any possible recipes to make up for my massive lack of turkey knowledge. In short, I found a good-sounding recipe on Food Network's site and I have commenced to gather the ingredients. And this is what brings me to the utter madness which I have just come upon. Are you aware that dried mushrooms, while a seemingly simple ingredient, swing in at the obscene price of $44 per pound. Mind you, the ones I could find were made from shitakes which are already $11 per pound, but still. A 300% increase in price seems a little high for somebody sticking something in an oven for a while. Especially something which started off as horse shit. All of this said, I have no choice but to dry my own damn mushrooms which I imagine can only turn out swimmingly. I call it Operation: This Can't Possibly Fail, named after the strategem adopted by Cyrus and the Canada Bunch for video gaming, which they in turn stole from South Park. Rumble dumble sports team, I'm out.

Monday, November 19, 2007

But for serious

Carolyn's boss and his friends have this blog they do where they just post crazy stuff for each other to see and comment about. I thought the idea to be brilliant! So far you (Peta and Cyrus), are the oly ones I've invited. I think we should test this thing out and go from there.

I'll start with this!:

First blog on the left!

This is where you blog now! go!