Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Who will survive after the bombs drop?"

There is a new Prof. Bros. up. Check it: 1, 2. 1,2,1,2.

Also, I think that we should use this blog for its real possibilities: a) world domination and b) stupid conversations that no one else is willing to flesh out but still are totally worth fleshing. I call it "The Serious Conversations: Stupid-Serious Conversation Series." Basically one of us will pose a question to the other 2 (3 if Peta gets her life together) and then a conversation on the topic will ensue in the comments section of that topic. Each topic will be something that we are too embarassed about to ask "outsiders" or, conversely, something which has been dubbed, by the filthy out-people, as too stupid to discuss. Just to make sure that we are all aware that the question being posed in the post is indeed stupid-serious, it should have "the Stupid Conversations: Seriously Stupid Conversational Series," or some rehashing of said title, at the top. Thus we all know how seriously and stupidly it should be treated. As an example of said question type, I shall pose one now.

Going parallel with an earlier "convo" Marcello and I had: when has porn gone too far? And I don't mean for you personally, I mean in a worldly everybody and everything sense.

I say we take these conversations as seriously or as stupidly as we feel at the moment. I think this has some real possibility for a) erudition AND b) not-so-smarty...ness. GO!


Ollecram said...

I am in total agreement. I started this blog for the dual purpose of posting the crunchy, nougaty essence of the internet but also for us to expound on serious-stupid (stupious?) topics that we come upon.

i.e. porn's turning point. See that's a hard one. Do you specifically mean when porn throws something at most people that instantly turns them off or do you mean horrors of porn level stuff? Horrors of porn goes beyond turning me off into the realm of abstract mother fuckin avant-garde film, but, you know, vomit inducing.

Personally any of the pain stuff bothers me. Blood, serious gagging to the point that someone is choking/crying, bdsm in almost any hardcore respect actually. But I know tons of people are into that kind of thing. Has porn gone too far when its gross or when it involves inflicting pain on an unwilling party?

I mean, judging by swap.avi and 2 women 1 cup most people don't go for scat stuff. Ingesting of weird shit (pun intended I guess) I think is at the top of the oh god no list. Weird stupidity I guess should be Edward Penishands and people dressing up as rats and zombie babies.

In the end, crazy porn seems to be about people being turned on by domination and/or the subjugation of others. The good and bad thing about porn is it allows people to go as far with their personal desires as they want. I think it goes too far when it allows that at the expense of other people's well being, even when the only thing at stake is their dignity.

Anyway, I'm at the crossroads and I got my 'Nocks.

CalexanderHamps said...

What is funny about porn in my opinion is that it's never alright and then still ok to a certain extent.

On the one hand it is a medium dominated by symbolization and human deconstruction to the point that the actors involved really don't appear human to anyone who is watching. The women are their various sex parts and characteristics, all acting together simultaneously and yet not being portrayed as human. The men are penises, or, on occasion, black penises. It's very bad that such dehumanization, even if it is only really happening in the mind of the viewer, is accepted as normal.

At the same time though, pornography is also a sexual outlet with relatively little damage to the surrounding world.

Its bad that porn makes dehumanization an acceptable part of modern sexuality. So the smart part of me says that porn crosses the line when it exists. Well when it exists in the way it does now. The penis part of me says that porn crosses the line when the focus ceases to be the sexuality. I.E. it is not about the sexual interaction between however many people but rather it is about some exterior non-sexual act which has been tied to the sexuality for whatever reason. So, in my opinion, sex while one partner is in hand cuffs, that's cool. A video about bondage that happens to have sex in it, not so cool. But then again maybe I am too strict/lenient in my definition. Stupid opinions not equalling fact.

There's one thing i do know, porn crosses the line when it tries to incorporate any rubber genitals with the pretense of being real. I have seen it and it is GROSS. Let's not even talk about the money shot. Unless you want to come over and look at my "Funny or Frightening" folder. That definitely files under frightening.