Being quite familiar with the wackness of the Pym Ant-Man costume (my first comic book was a Spider Man/Ant Man collaboration), I was put off, but continued my research anyway. I found the equally wack and predictable O'Grady costume but when I came to the wikipedia page for Scott Lang, I was impressed. His feautured costume was near perfect for my tastes in super-hero styles. Even better, Lang was an ex-con, a thinker, and a family man (unusual and interesting for a hero).
However, after a google image search, it would seem that the pictured Ant-Man costume is practically unused if used at all. On top of this, Scott Lang is dead. Lastly, though I am not really surprised, he is blonde-haired and blue-eyed (I suppose its not the worst thing in the world but, eventually, one gets tired of the comic book gods grantng super-powers to an all-White cast--no offense but White people just get so damn tiresome).
What the crap comic books... When do I get to have a solid favorite super-hero? Well, here is the sweet ass costume anyways...

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