Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"What's That Newfangled Mine-Raft Doohicky?"

"All the kids keep talking about it but I don't get it. Why would you need a raft in a mine? Is it flooded?"

"No grandpa, it's called Minecraft."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don't get it."

So, if you are an internet junky like me (and I know you guys are at least a little) then you have at least heard about Minecraft. It's amazing. It is the newest most refined and addictive form of computer drug ever. It will suck your life away... In a good way... Sort of.

Well, it's an amazing game anyway. If you've heard of it but still don't get it, watch this interview. It explains everything.

Ok, I lied. That interview explains nothing. You should probably just check out the game for yourself. It's fantastic. Download it here then you can play for free. At the login screen just type nothing and hit "login" then "play offline." You can also buy a full account for $9 to have access to multiplayer, customizable player skins, and some other features too which I am not entirely sure of. Check it out first though. It will ruin you life bring you endless joy.

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